Lisa, the Health Nut

I'm lisa and I loooove healthy food!  The lifestyle I chose to live is eating only natural or organic food products, minimally processed whenever possible.  What I can't stand is that people may  automatically assume all "health food" that I eat isn't flavorful or tasty.  THIS IS NOT TRUE!  Why would I eat stuff that doesn't taste good?  So my mission is to spread the word that "healthy" does not mean "tasteless".  Healthy food can be just as yummy as the not-so healthy types!   I'll let you know what foods are good, and which ones aren't so good. :)

Crispy Green Fruitzio Freeze Dried Peaches 

Monday, June 6, 2011 4:08:38 PM


I think it’s safe to say I never had a freeze dried peach before. Sure, I’ve had strawberries and apples, and even bananas freeze dried before, but a peach? I was up for giving it a try- I mean why not? I really liked Crispy Greens Crispy Apples and Crispy Asian Pears, and the Fruitzio Freeze Dried Apples & Strawberries.

I tried some of them dry first. Here’s what a piece looked like.

They were light, crispy and at first I thought, wait, what fruit is this again? But as I continued to chew, the sweet flavor of peaches flooded my mouth. It was very tasty, and had that sweet, juicy flavor.  I liked how they were big slices of peaches rather than little pieces as well.

Next I decided to try them in my cereal in place of my morning banana with almond milk. Here’s what it looked like

Even after sitting for a few minutes, they kept a nice crunch and great flavor. Next time I think I might actually break the slices if I use it again in my cereal, as they were a bit big. As I said before, I liked them big when I was eating them dry, but in the cereal I think pieces would be more convenient. Still, nothing I couldn’t very easily fix. They were still sweet, and complimented the almond milk and my cereal perfectly.

Overall, I’m an official fan of freeze dried peaches! They were unique, sweet and crunchy, and very enjoyable. I would try these again. 4 stars





I got these to try, for free, from the company.


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