PB Jenny

hey there friends and thank you so much for visiting my page =) In a few short words I am a 19 year old English major at Sacred Heart University with a passion for family, love, creativity, yoga, and i kind of like peanut butter too ;). Sure, those are just a few tidbits about me but what is the story of the girl behind the jar?

pet peeved 

Thursday, May 19, 2011 6:40:33 PM


I had the best breakfast today. You want to know the craziest part? It didn’t involve nut butter.. at all.

Now that I’m working on exchanges, it’s really helped me to focus on what my body is craving rather than what I “think I should be eating”. Although I do normally love my mornings with a heaping side of peanut butter, I think I started to eat it on the daily for the sake of comfort and avoiding change rather than enjoyment.



This morning I was craving a little bit of sweet, a little bit of savory, and cheese.

  • 2 slices sprouted wheat – 1 topped with scrambled eggs and spinach, one topped with hummus and melted swiss
  • raspberries
  • sugar snap peas

My new MP has also perpetuated a new found infatuation with full fat dairy. Oh my god. What the hell have I been doing for the past 4 years of my life?


purposely overbroiled. I have a secret obsession with crusty cheese. Ew. Definitely one of those things that tastes must better than it sounds.


smooshed raspberries, swiss and hummus manaja twa. Don’t you dare knock it ’til you’ve tried it.

Of course, nut butter did find it’s way to my mouf’ at some point.


Brandi’s blueberry muffin smoothie.

I always forget that blueberries take on more of a purple hue after they’re blended, so the blue backdrop didn’t look as great as I thought it would. #photographyfail



I’m sure you could probably could care less, but it really bothered me. One of my [many] pet peeves.

Other’s include:

  • people who wear sunglasses inside
  • people who walk around texting and are completely oblivious to other people around them. Okay this is so hypocritical – I’m definitely guilty of this as well.
  • when my blog is down (only bloggies can understand this one)
  • tailgaters (as in, people who drive directly behind you. I’m okay with people that like to BBQ before sporting events)
  • when the baggers at the grocery store put bananas on the bottom of the bag
  • and when they use 232980 million bags to package a few things… a.) awful for the environment, b.) I only have two hands dude.
  • when my jeans stretch out throughout the day and I get baggy bum syndrome.
  • spam. (email spam, that is.. though I’m not a fan of the processed meat version either).
  • People that are late. This is vain but I pride myself on being prompt, always. I just think it’s respectful.
  • When song lyrics rhyme the same word with itself. Example:
  • Dirty silverware and dishes at restaurants
  • When someone finishes something and puts an empty container back. I only say this because for lunch I had my heart set on some FSTG multigrain chips, but my dad polished off the bag and put it back in the cabinet. I know, my life sucks, huh?

Okay, there’s definitely like 483980 more I could say but I already feel like a moany miserable person.

So now it’s your turn to be moany and miserable and make me feel better about myself. :) What are your pet peeves?!?!

*p.s. if any of you fall in to the categories of aforementioned pet peeves, I’ll make an exception for you :) *


Dinner time for me then watching The Office finale with Gingie. ‘Night!


for more, please visit www.peanutbutterjenny.com

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