Newman's Own Soy Crisps Cinnamon Sugar
Newman's Own Soy Crisps Cinnamon Sugar
reviewed by Lisa Thompson
Critic Overall Rank:
Normally in the afternoon I have a yogurt for a snack with something else that’s little: a handful of cereal, a cookie, etc. But today (after a grueling workout at the gym this morning) I was ravenous! So I thought i needed something a bit more substantial than my normal yogurt. I decided to give Newman’s Own Organic Soy Crisps a try. Okay now before you say "soy is gross", don’t even think about it. Soy crisps taste pretty much like rice cakes-but are healthier and have more satiety packed with them due to the soy protein and isolflavins that soy provides. I opened up the bag and popped one in my mouth--delicious! They were sweet, crunchy, “cinnamonny” (if that’s a word!), in other words- so good! I got one soy crisp out of the bowl, I poured extra cinnamon and dehydrated cane juice on it… i was a happy camper.
Nutritional facts
Serving Size: 1 oz
Calories: 120
Total Fat: 4 g
Cholesterol: 0 mg
Sodium: 170 mg
Carbohydrates: 15 g
Fiber: 3 g
Protein: 7 g
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