HAPPY WIHBEBFTSYW, honey bears! As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t do the whole “food diary” thing, so rather than featuring a day’s worth of eats WIAW style, I’m going to post “what I have been eating but forgot to show you” (aka, WIHBEBFTSYW) Just rolls off the tongue, huh?

grilled cheese and tomato with chicken, avocado, carrots, and kettle corn

english muffin with egg salad,avocado, popcorners, carrots, and sugar snap peas

Katie’s vanilla ice cream with crushed grahams and dark chocolate crumbles

chocolate chip cookies for one (recipe’s coming atcha later!)

snackplate: cottage cheese, raspberries, pretzels, honey bunny grahams, almond butter

seasoned cod, salad with ranch, string cheese, spaghetti mixed with hummus and a pat of butter
Looking back through these pictures makes me realize how completely random some of my meals are and I love it. i’ve really been striving to honor my body and focus on it’s cravings rather than creating the “perfect meal”. Admittedly, grilled cheese and popcorn or pasta with fish and string cheese is a little out of the norm – but really? normalcy is so lame. Perhaps my meals weren’t the perfect ratio or carbs/protein/fat. Perhaps they weren’t comprised of 100% whole, unprocessed foods. I’ll tell you one thing, though, they were tasty.
I found this article the other day about “The Perfect Diet” and I really think that it brings up some valid points in terms of people’s tendencies to judge other’s food choices and the fact that there is definitely no “one standard of eating” that is appropriately applicable to everyone. I’d love to hear anyone’s feedback about the article!
Do you follow dietary guidelines or try to honor your bodies cravings as much as possible? I know some people’s bodies respond a lot better to high fat diets, some high carb, etc. etc. – and I think that’s awesome! if, in fact, it’s appropriate for you. That being said, those dietary lifestyles aren’t appropriate for everyone and I think it becomes dangerous when we follow these guidelines because we’re bombarded with messages telling us we should. i’ve mentioned it before, but I’ve tried all of the diet trends. High fat, low fat, high carb, low carb, high protein… etc. etc, and have found that my body responds best when I provide it with what it’s craving. Plain and simple.
Time to be productive so I can enjoy reading up on my favorite WIAW posts later. Have a good one!
For more, please visit www.peanutbutterjenny.com